Coaching Mentoring Institute was established to provide support for anyone who is aspired to support others as Professional Coach.
Our programs have a unique blend of scientific concept with practicality. This enables students to gain solid conceptual knowledge and practical skills to be a Professional Coach.
Our faculty members are internationally certified with ICF Credentials, having solid background as Profesional Coach and/or experience as executive.
Preparing students to apply for International Certification / Credential from ICF-USA

Basic Associate Coach
Basic Associate Coach (BAC) – ICF Accreditation : ACSTH 30 hours
June 29 - July 28, 2022 // Online Session
To lay the foundation of Coaching Knowledge and Skill that covers understanding of the Coaching Concept, Competencies and Model, also practicing basic Skill of Coaching based on ICF Competencies, ICF Code-of-Ethics, and applying 'HYL-3A'®️Model.
Participants : Team Leader-Manager, HR-Practitioner, People Developer, Internal Coach, and others who are interested in Coaching.
Languages :
Delivery in Bahasa Indonesia and/or English, Slides in English.
Investment : USD 1,000

Conversant Associate Coach
Conversant Associate Coach (CAC) – ICF Accreditation : ACSTH 40 hours
August 10 - September 22, 2022 // Online Session
To enhance Coaching Knowledge and Skill that covers more understanding of the Coaching Concept, Competencies, Model and Science, also practicing conversant Skill of Coaching based on ICF Competencies, ICF Code-of-Ethics, and applying 'HYL-3A'®️ model with HTC (Holistic Transformative Coaching) approach.
Participants : Manager-Senior Manager, HR-Executives, People Developer, Coach, and others who are interested in Coaching.
Languages :
Delivery in Bahasa Indonesia and/or English, Slides in English.
Investment : USD 1,200

Distinctive Professional Coach
Distinctive Professional Coach (DPC) –85 hours
*Including 10 hours Mentor Coaching PCC level
April 15 - October 15, 2022 // Online Session
To equip participants as Distinctive Professional Coach at ICF-PCC level, with comprehensive Coaching Knowledge and Skill that covers deeply the Coaching Concept, Competencies, Model and Science, Tools, Techniques, based on ICF Code-of-Ethics, ICF Competencies, ICF PCC markers and to proficiently practice 'HYL-3A'®️ model with HTC (Holistic Transformative Coaching) approach.
Participants : Manager-VP-GM-C-suites, HR-Executives, Internal & External Coach, and others who are interested to be Professional Coach.
Languages :
Delivery in Bahasa Indonesia and/or English, Slides in English.
Investment : USD 2,800

Profesional Coach Practitioner (PCP)
Profesional Coach Practitioner (PCP) - ICF Accreditation - ACTP 155 hours
Our PCP is the ‘pathway’ for graduates to directly apply for PCC and/or ACC via the ACTP credential application path.
Our PCP is an ACTP, the highest level of ICF accreditation for Coaching training, considered as “all inclusive” training program, which offer start to finish coach training, including 10 hours of Mentor Coaching at PCC level.
Our PCP has a total of 155 hours, consists of 3 modules :
1. BAC : 30 hours
2. CAC : 40 hours
3. DPC : 85 hours
in which all 3 modules should be completed in the proper sequence.
Languages :
Delivery in Bahasa Indonesia and/or English, Slides in English.
Requirement : BAC + CAC + DPC