Heru Yuwono Liem
MCC,MP,MC Founder & Lead Faculty
An Internationally Certified Coach from ICF (International Coach Federation) - USA, holding the highest ICF Credential level as MCC (Master Certified Coach), the second person in Indonesia. An Executive and Leadership Coach with strong passion and skill-set in people development. Heru has over 2,500 hours coaching experience under his belt, with participants from different companies and industries, varies from giant coporations to State Owned Enterprise with both local and expatriate executives clients.
Heru has more than 25 years experience in the Financial Services industry, reached Director level in 1997. And President Director (CEO) in 2010-2013 and then as Expert Advisor 2014-2018. He holds a Master Degree in Business Administration (MBA) from University of Adelaide, Australia, and also International certifications: CFP®️ from CFP®️ Board - USA, ChCF, CLU, FLMI, AAIJ, AEPP.
Master of Business Administration. University of Adelaide. Australia
ICF Master Certified Coach (MCC)
Harrison Assessments Accreditate